After two weeks of this, the lack of good sleep is catching up with me. I feel and look worn illuminating under-eye concealer no longer hides anything; it just makes my dark circles shiny. I also keep thinking about what my pediatrician and the tough-love parents I know would say: I should not be bringing EJ into bed with me and I'm doing him a disservice by not letting him work out his sleep issues on his own.
I talked with EJ this morning as I was changing his diaper. I told him that I love snuggling with him, but now that he's feeling better and things are getting back to normal in our house, he needs to spend the whole night in his crib. He looked a me with his big, blue eyes and stoically murmured, "Bu-shu, bu-shu, pees, mama, bocu wa." I was stunned. He was right.
Oh, I should translate:
Mom, you look very pretty today. I know I kicked you in the face last night, but my feet are clean, and it's all good. I've been getting upset lately and just like knowing you're next to me; it helps me sleep better. I mean, it's not going to last forever! You think I'm bringing you to Harvard with me? You know, I saw some boys from the three-year-old classroom the other day, and maaaan, did they look tough! Do you think those big boys sleep with their moms? No mam. They're too grown-up, and it's just a matter of time for me too. Soon I'm going to have to start thinking about that potty thing you showed me, and after that, which pee-wee sports teams I want to try out for. Also, I just thought I should be open with you and say that some of the rambunctious boys in my class were talking about jumping ship and ditching their cribs at night. Aren't you glad I tell you when I want to get out?
Time is fleeting and there are stronger under-eye concealers. EJ won't want to snuggle with me forever, so I will gladly take what I can get.
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