Monday, May 18, 2015

What Words With Friends Has Taught Me About Life

No introductory paragraph needed for this one.

In my years of playing Words With Friends, I have learned:

1. Humility...because I suck at Words With Friends (even though I pride myself on having an expansive vocabulary).

2. Dignity.  I pretty much take losing in stride (and no one can hear the expletives in my head or see me hover my finger precariously over the resign tab when I'm really getting my ass kicked).

3. Perseverance. Even when I am down 100 points, I still forge onward and turn BAT into BATS for 7 points...making me 94 points closer to being in the lead.

4. About the glass ceiling. Boys are better than me at Words With Friends, like 98% of the time.  Go figure.

5.  Resolve. When life or your tile bag hands you lemons, make lemonade...or za, qi, haj, xi, xu, and jo and then keep on keepin' on.

6.  Optimism. With each new WWF challenge I accept, I believe the universe will take care of me, just like after my divorce.  I know that one day, I will get the perfect tile lineup and make a 100+ point word.   That day just doesn't seem to be today.