Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Ides of March

Beware of the ides of March.  This famed line from the Shakespeare tragedy Julius Caesar fictionalizes the ominous warning unheeded by Roman dictator on the day he was assassinated. Once upon a time, the ides simply meant the middle of a month in the Roman calendar, but since Caesar's death, the ides of March has lived in infamy, and you can find a ton of bad stuff that has happened on or around this day.  It's even the name of the 2011 movie that starred Philip Seymour Hoffman. Eesh.

Six years ago, the ides of March was my wedding day, and two years ago, it was the time when a nagging feeling in my gut led me to discover that my husband was having an affair.  Since then, I've started to believe that Shakespeare was onto something and this time of year really does bring bad luck.  As the ides of March 2014 approaches, my life has been plagued with a series of unrelated, unfortunate events that have stacked together like an impenetrable Lego structure from hell.  And, try as I might, there's seemingly been nothing I can do to break down the bad pieces.  Until now.  

Before another March ides kicks my ass, I've decided to stop being surprised, and in turn, bummed, when the universe boots me off the path I was on or messes with the plans I had.  I've decided to switch my thinking.  

Yesterday would've been a good day to start this.  When EJ's pediatrician told me that he had a double ear infection (this news came at the end of a fourteen hour day on two hours sleep), I burst out crying and shouted to the poor, startled man, "I CAN'T EVEN DEAL!!!!"  I could tell EJ was mortified...he didn't know where to look and started to eat the tongue depressor he was holding.  The doctor shoved me the prescription, hightailed it out of the room, and I ugly-cried all the way to the car while my poor, sick baby pulled his hat over his eyes.

It didn't all have to go down like that.  I could've been happy that I trusted my instincts to call the doctor and that EJ was going to get the medicine that would make him feel better.  I could've stopped kvetching to my friends and colleagues all day about "how tired" I was and instead gossiped or shared funny stories.  I could've chosen to see the good in the day.

Let's try it now.  So far this morning...
Had to my cancel long-awaited my hair appointment (EJ was supposed to be with his father today).
Another few weeks of my dozen gray hairs standing tall, kinky, and proud!

EJ is napping and it smells like he pooped...he's going to get horrific diaper rash again.
The poor kid needs to sleep and that's why I bought stock in Triple Paste.

Had to ditch the fun grown-up plans I had for the day.
I get to have more time with my beautiful little boy, and I will work my friends and some cocktails into the day as well.

This is feeling good so far (five minutes in).  Watch out ides. 

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